Galata Wind continued to grow in the first three months of 2024
Galata Wind continued to grow in the first three months of 2024

Galata Wind, which continues its growth-oriented activities in the renewable energy sector, realized consolidated revenues of TL 485 million in the first quarter of 2024 after applying inflation accounting. Galata Wind's profit before tax increased by 14% to TL 318 million in the first quarter of 2024 due to the increase in net financial income, including operating income and gain on monetary position. The company maintained its EBITDA margin at 76%, within the range announced as part of the 2024 expectations.

As of March 2024, Galata Wind, which continues its activities in line with its commitment to invest only in renewable energy, generated 191,768 MWh of electricity from WPPs and 9,395 MWh of electricity from SPPs, totaling 201,163 MWh.

Burak Kuyan, CEO of Galata Wind, commented on the first quarter financial results as follows: "As Galata Wind, we continue our investments in line with our growth strategy and 2025 targets. As part of the planned capacity expansions in our existing power plants, the commissioning of the Hybrid PV plant with the additional capacity of Taspınar WPP has created a positive factor. In the near future, we will fully commission the first phase of the hybrid Taspinar Hybrid PV plant in the short term. We also plan to increase our installed capacity to over 350 MW by the end of 2024 with the commissioning of the Mersin WPP and the second phase of the Taşpınar Hybrid PV plant. In addition, we are continuing our efforts to reach our growth target of 550 MW in 2025 with the European investments we have started with our company Galata Wind Energy Global established abroad, and then to reach 1000 MW in 2030 with investments in Europe and Turkey."

With the aim of becoming a global player in its sector by 2030, Galata Wind is closely following technological developments and innovations in this field and is continuously increasing its energy generation capacity and efficiency.