As the world struggles to address the challenges brought about by climate change and the energy scarcity that must be faced because of the depleting traditional energy resources, sustainable and renewable energy solutions emerge as a more urgent need than ever. The fairest approach to meeting this need is to generate energy together with nature by utilizing the infinite resources most efficiently.

At Galata Wind, we believe that we can lead the way toward an energy management system, which is ecologically responsible and economically viable, by leveraging the power of systems that favor nature and natural resources.

Wind Energy: Leveraging Nature’s Power

Wind energy has been used for centuries, and now, we see a much wider use of this energy worldwide with the latest technological advancements. The idea behind generating energy from wind is based on a very simple logic. Turbines derive kinetic energy from the wind and convert it into electricity. With wind turbines becoming more efficient, the wind power plants generate more energy, which they deliver to a wider area. Advancements in energy generation technologies such as larger-diameter rotors and taller turbine towers have improved energy generation significantly. Wind farms located on the shorelines and even offshore offer high energy generation potential thanks to the consistent and stronger winds in such areas.

As a renewable and natural resource, wind comes with many advantages for energy generation. For instance, wind turbines release nearly zero carbon emissions during operation, consume no water, and have a smaller carbon footprint compared to conventional energy resources. Furthermore, as a new energy generation technology, wind power plants create new job opportunities in installation, production, distribution and maintenance processes, while supporting circular green economy.

Solar Power: Taming Scorching Energy

Solar energy is generated from solar radiation, the energy flow transmitted by the sun in electromagnetic waves at different frequencies, and has great potential as a clean and abundant natural energy resource. Solar panels consisting of photovoltaic (PV) cells directly convert sunlight into electricity with photovoltaic effect. The widespread use of solar panels has been growing in recent years, driven by lower panel production costs, more efficient processes, and technological developments.

A striking characteristic of solar energy is its scalability and versatility, meaning that solar energy may be generated in different scales, from roof installations in houses to acres of solar farms. Besides, solar panels may be conveniently installed on buildings and even vehicles, offering new opportunities for sustainable and clean energy generation.

In addition to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, solar energy also supports humankind in addressing many environmental issues, from air pollution to reducing carbon emissions. Solar energy systems require less maintenance compared to other systems. Solar power plants have long lifespans and are nature-friendly with the capability to generate electricity in remote locations far from residential areas. Solar power plants, which may facilitate the access of underserved communities to energy, also contribute to rural development.

Creating Synergy: Two-in-One Hybrid Power Plants

Even though wind and solar energy systems offer unique advantages compared to systems generating energy from fossil fuels, both systems may be disrupted at times, causing interruptions in energy generation because the sun is not always clear and bright, and the wind does not blow at the same speed. Yet, we may still build a more reliable, balanced and uninterrupted renewable energy infrastructure by exploring ways to use wind and solar energy in combination.

The complementary nature of wind and sun helps us plan for more consistent and predictable energy generation. Wind turbines typically generate more electricity in the winter months when solar radiation is low whereas solar panels generate plenty of energy in the summer months. Hybrid Power Plants, which combine both sources, have the potential to be a solution to achieving balanced and consistent energy generation.

Storing Energy: Solutions for Tackling Supply Disruptions

Storage technologies offer a rational solution to the problems faced in energy supply continuity from wind and sun, two common resources of renewable energy. Battery storage, compressed-air storage, and other innovative solutions can be used to store excess energy during peak generation times, ensuring uninterrupted energy supply by diverting the stored energy to the grid during low generation times. Energy storage systems also make it easier to integrate the energy generated by wind and solar power plants into the existing electricity grids.

Investment Policy and Incentive Mechanisms

Each process in wind and solar energy generation is key for a sustainable future. Therefore, such investments should be encouraged as a priority. Starting with governments, public institutions and private companies should come together to encourage innovations in this field, enhance the infrastructure, and create favorable market conditions to drive the transition to renewable energy. At Galata Wind, we place particular emphasis on supporting research and development in the renewable energy sector, raising awareness by promoting multi-stakeholder participation in all kinds of clean energy projects, and rapidly passing laws and regulations that incentivize the growth of the sector.