Since its inception, Galata Wind has operated as a responsible, fair and accountable company, complying with laws and regulations at every stage of its operations and developing all its strategies in accordance with these fundamental principles.

"Accountability," which is the cornerstone of our sustainability strategy, governs all of our operational activities, particularly our decision-making processes at every stage of our life cycle. Our goal is to become a global energy company that is increasingly trusted by our stakeholders and continuously grows beyond laws and regulations by complying with international standards and voluntary codes.

Responsible marketing principles and business ethics are Galata Wind's main sustainability priority in the renewable energy sector, which has a different customer profile than other sectors. The need to protect and improve society's environmental awareness and the increasing demand for renewable energy sources are increasing our responsibility in this field day by day. In line with these developments, Galata Wind implements its responsible marketing policy in accordance with the following principles.

Our Responsible Marketing Principles

  1. Feedback centered communication
  2. Transparency
  3. Safety Awareness
  4. Information Security
  5. Collaboration
  6. Sustainability