Climate Change Impact Area

Climate change poses both direct and indirect risks to the continuity of Galata Wind's operations, even though all of the company's activities are geared towards the generation of renewable energy. In particular, the wind downturn caused by global warming and changes in solar radiation have an impact on the production of renewable energy. These climate change-related effects, referred to as “global continental recession”, can lead to fluctuating and unpredictable wind conditions and unstable solar radiation, which can affect on-site power generation. In addition, extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes, ice or hail storms can potentially damage the company's facilities.

The first step in managing the effects of climate change is a risk management approach. Galata Wind conducts comprehensive risk studies to identify the potential impacts of climate change on its operations and to accurately assess these risks. As part of these studies, to understand the financial risks associated with climatic anomalies, the results are analyzed by comparing historical production data with the production of the years with the lowest production.

Managing the impact of climate change Area

The Sustainability Committee within the Board of Directors monitors operational, strategic, financial and other ethical and compliance risks that could jeopardize the company's sustainability. The Committee is responsible for developing the policies necessary for the appropriate management of these risks and works with the Early Risk Detection Committee, which ensures the effective implementation of risk management processes.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

To reduce and manage its impact on the environment, Galata Wind continues its initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint. This includes the adoption of innovative technologies that increase energy efficiency and resilience to climate variability.

Approach to stakeholder engagement on climate change

Galata Wind actively engages with its key stakeholders, including investors, public institutions and the local community, to ensure that climate risk management strategies are widely understood and supported. This dialog helps to refine approaches and increase the effectiveness of initiatives.